I was watching the 1pm race at Exeter today. Kirby's Glen led the nine runners over the first fence and then my mind wandered (I need to fix that hole, you know, the one where the rain gets in). My thoughts often drift. I find it better not to stem the flow....
There are lots of trees at Exeter racecourse. Naturally, my thoughts took me to tree climbing. I like climbing trees. It makes me happy. A large portion of my childhood was spent up trees. I defended many a tree fortress from marauding orcs, Norman knights and German panzer divisions. I had a happy childhood. I was highly-decorated and everything.
I remember a time when I climbed to the very top of an extremely tall tree. I think there is only a small window of opportunity for someone to climb to the very top of an extremely tall tree. I reached that tree-climbing zenith at the age of six. You see, in order to clamber so high, one must possess the necessary physical and mental attributes. Prior to my big climb, I was obviously too weak in the arms and legs to make the heady ascent and had thus been foiled in my lofty ambitions.
The intrepid tree climber must also be fearless. In 1982, I was undoubtedly fearless. I was Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Robin Hood, James Bond, Luke Duke and Tarzan all rolled into one. I could conquer any army, vanquish any demon, foil any agent of doom....and climb to the top of an extremely tall tree. But there was something else about that day when I was six years old that was fundamental to me achieving the defining feat. My six-year-old strength, stamina, agility and naive boldness were complemented by the fact that I was just the right weight for the top-most wispy branches of the great deciduous to bear my frame.
It was a hot summer day. It was stifling standing on the breathless woodland floor. I left my sister at the foot of the extremely tall tree and climbed. I was soon perched precariously in the breeze-blown branches of the crown. I could see for miles across fields to distant parishes, hedgerows and unknown worlds. There was nothing between myself and the white marshmallow formations in the sky above my head. I was higher than the tallest building. I could breathe. Ah, exhilaration.
My sister called from below that I had better come down before I fall. The seven-year-old voice of reason. I'd get wrong off my Mam if I fell...!

I haven't climbed a tree since June. I went to Hyde Park after work with my friend Ferne. It was the perfect sunny evening. We climbed lots of trees. Passers-by gave us funny looks. Ferne fell out of one (a tree...not a passer-by). She bumped to the earth and sat stunned for a moment but she was fine. It was fun. I couldn't reach the top-most branches. I nervously clung on half-way up. I'm too heavy. I'm also no longer Indiana Jones, Han Solo, Robin Hood, James Bond, Luke Duke and Tarzan all rolled into one. I'm an adult. I fear falling.
...Minella Tipperary won the 1pm at Exeter.