If you have embraced a creed which appears to be free from the ordinary dirtiness of politics - a creed from which you yourself cannot expect to draw any material advantage - surely that proves that you are in the right?
George Orwell
I marched on Saturday. I marched because I was angry, because I wanted to make a noise. I marched to scream and rail aginst the soul-sapping corruption of self-serving hypocrites messing with the lives of ordinary people. I'm tired of them interfering with my life and the lives of my family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and fellow citizens.
I marched because I believe deeply that the health and wellbeing of every individual is of incalculably greater importance than the balance sheet at Lloyds or the Bank Of England.
I marched because I know that mortality is fragile and life is precious.
I marched because I believe that the National Health Service, for all of its failings, is a beautiful concept and should be protected at all costs.
I marched because I am angry at this cock-sure government that has dictated for 13 years, the supposed party of the people that is in reality a parasite, sucking the blood out of those that gave it life.
I marched because we the people should not have to pay with our lives when politicians and bureaucrats make a mess while fiddling the nation's accounts.
I marched because I still believe in democracy.
I marched to say to Gordon Brown and politicians of every hue: "Keep your vile, incompetent, greedy, meddling hands off this country's hospitals."
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